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Results for 'Infections Nitrofurantoin Doctor Medicine Infection Urinary Tract Infection'

Does anyone know anything about an antibiotic called Nitrofurantoin?

After being prescribed Cipro and Toviaz for a Urinary Tract Infection that spread to the bladder and ended up as a kidney... read more

Urinary Tract Infection - I got a UTI and waited about 5 days until I went to the doctors.

I was on Macrobid for one day then she switched me over to Cipro because the pain I’m having is terrible. It is not just burning but I feel... read more

What is "dual release" nitrofurantoin?

In the nitrofurantoin dosage information, it refers to "regular release" and "dual release" formulations of... read more

Could the use of trazadone mimic a urinary tract infection or cause side effects?

that might lead you to believe that you have a U.T.I.

Urinary Tract Infection - I get a UTI almost every time me and my boyfriend have sex. We don't get?

... to but like twice a month and I get one every time and they are very painful :( is there something we can do to prevent these?

Nitrofurantoin - How long after intercourse until Macrobid is no longer effective?

If I take macrobid 4-5 hours after intercourse, will it still help prevent a UTI?

What does it mean if the pee hole itches really bad for a female?

My health teacher asked us this question today and asked the girls to come up with 4 possible answers. I thought a urinary tract... read more

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